Women in Math, Science and Engineering (WIMSE)


The WIMSE community provides a supportive environment if you are an undergraduate female student in a mathematics, science, or engineering curriculum. WIMSE provides an active academic and social network designed to ease student transition to the university and facilitate student academic success.

Location and Contact

First, second and third floors in Trelease Hall (FAR)

Contact Information
Phone: 217-265-0534
Email: WIMSE@housing.illinois.edu

Programs and Fees

Programs include special for-credit courses, community events focused on exploring women’s leadership, empowerment and networking, annual trips focused on exploring women’s history and STEM, arts and crafts workshops, professional workshops and Guests-In-Residence.

A fee of $200 to support the co-curricular and extracurricular learning opportunities in this community is added to the academic year living costs.

Course Information

A major benefit of living in WIMSE LLC is the opportunity to enroll in our on- and off-site courses. Many of our courses meet general education requirements while others are elective credit depending on your academic program.

Take advantage of special courses available to WIMSE residents.

  • Courses are offered on site at WIMSE.
  • Take classes with your friends.
  • Class sizes are smaller.
  • Courses fulfill General Education Requirements.

For more information and to find courses offered in the LLC, see our LLC course listings. Here you can find class schedules, general education requirements and registration information.

Most of the courses in this list are open to any resident in a living-learning community and the courses fill quickly. If you have unusual difficulty registering for a course, please contact Sarah in 106 PAR or at 217-265-0534 or at sek@illinois.edu.