Residence Hall Packing List
Oh, the wonders of packing for college for the first time.
I tend to be an over-packer which can make Move-In day pretty nightmarish and somewhat comedic from an observer’s perspective. Even with the thorough packing checklist University Housing provides. However, through the mountains of stuff I choose to bring to college (I am living here, after all!), here are some essentials I’ve discovered that every student should bring when they move into the residence halls.
HDMI cord: Many residence halls have TVs in their lounges that you can connect your laptop to (to watch TV, project presentations, etc.). However, in order to do so, you’ll need an HDMI cord so make sure to bring that!
Desk mirror: You don’t want to have to go to the bathroom or rely on your phone camera everytime you want to see yourself, so bring a little desk mirror that you can put on your desk, dresser, shelf or anywhere else.
Shower shoes: Everybody says this, but it's a good tip. Bring 'em.
Dishwashing sponge and soap: You won’t be washing the dishes a lot, but for the occasional times you do, it helps to have a little sponge and soap.
Mattress topper: The residence hall beds are pretty comfortable themselves, however they do have a plastic outer layer to make it easier to clean which can make it a little strange to sleep on. Bring your own mattress topper! So soft and nice.
Shower bag and caddy: Whenever I went to shower, I had a little shower bag (basically a gym bag) where I could pack my towel and clothes, as well as a hangable shower caddy. This was so useful, and I’d highly recommend it.
Slippers: Just for walking around your room or in the hallways, but a pair of comfortable slippers makes it feel more like home.
Throw blanket: Perfect for movie nights or late-night study sessions, bring a throw blanket to the study lounges to add a sense of comfort and warmth!