Sherman Hall
Sherman Hall
With a top-tier location close to the Main Quad, Sherman Hall is a popular, convenient choice for graduate students and upper-division undergraduate students. Academic buildings, recreation centers, local shops and restaurants are within walking distance of Sherman Hall. Another benefit: Sherman stays open during Fall, Winter and Spring Breaks.
General Information
Room Types:
- Doubles
- Singles
Bathroom Type:
- Semi-private (shared)
- Bathroom 360 Tour Videos
- Air Conditioning
- Wi-Fi
- Laundry
- 24-hour Quiet Hours
- MicroFridge in room
- Dining Meal Plan Option
- Study Lounges
- Computer Lab
- Graduate Students
- Upper-division Students
- Gender-inclusive Housing
Hall Groups
- Resident Leadership Board
Area Desk Phone: 217-333-2250
Sherman Hall
909 S. Fifth St.
Champaign, IL 61820
General Email:
Resident Director Email:
During the academic year when students are present, the front desk will be open from 6 a.m. – 3 a.m. When the front desk is not staffed, students can still call the front desk number. The call will be answered by a calling service able to help with general questions and emergencies and assist students who may have lost their i-card and be locked out of their building and room.
When break housing is being provided, the front desk will be open from 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. Calls will be forwarded to the RAs on duty when the desk is closed.
Floor Plans and Maps
View complete list of what furniture is provided in the room along with its dimensions.